CartoType C++ API 8.8-7-gb35e4dc71
for Windows, Linux, Qt and other platforms supporting C++ development
CartoTypeCore::Point2< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for CartoTypeCore::Point2< T >, including all inherited members.

CrossProduct(const Point2< T > &aOther) const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
DistanceFrom(const Point2< T > &aOther) const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
LeftOfVector(const Point2< T > &aPoint) const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
LeftUnitVector() const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
operator!=(const Point2< T > &aPoint) const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
operator*=(T aFactor) noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
operator+=(const Point2< T > &aPoint) noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
operator-=(const Point2< T > &aPoint) noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
operator<(const Point2< T > &aPoint) const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
operator==(const Point2< T > &aPoint) const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
operator>(const Point2< T > &aPoint) const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
Point2() noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
Point2(T aX, T aY) noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
Point2(const Point &aPoint) noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
RightOfVector(const Point2< T > &aPoint) const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
RightUnitVector() const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
Rotate(double aAngle)CartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
Rounded() const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
Rounded64ths() const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
UnitVector() const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
VectorLength() const noexceptCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >inline
XCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >
YCartoTypeCore::Point2< T >