This release was made on 29th March 2022 and is based on mainline revision 10409.
The previous release, 7.6, was made on 18th October 2021 and was based on mainline revision 10121.
Added time/distance matrix function
There is now a function to return a time/distance matrix giving the route time and distance for all combinations of a set of start points and a set of end points. It is implemented for the turn-expanded contraction hierarchy /route=tech), turn-expanded (/route=t), and a-star (/route=a) routers. The fastest implementation by far is that for the TECH router, but that implementation does not support arbitrary run-time route profiles or dynamic road closures. The fastest flexible implementation, which does support those features, is that for the turn-expanded router.
There is a new makemap option, /hublabels=yes, which can be used in conjunction with /route=tech to add hub label data to the TECH route data to enable ultra-fast calculation of time/distance matrices.
Added route access function
There is now a function to return the accessibility of a point for routing purposes. It is implemented for the turn-expanded router (/route=t) only.
Added a function to get the traffic info speed limit
There is now a function to get the speed limit if any imposed by dynamic traffic information for a point. It returns the traffic info speed limit in kph for a given point and given vehicle types; that is, the most severe restriction applying to that point for polygonal restrictions containing the point, and for the nearest road to the point.
More consistent style sheet icons
Some standard style sheet icons have been changed for a more consistent appearance.
UWP support
CartoType is now available as a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) component. The API is very similar to the .NET API, but not identical because in UWP function overloading on anything other than number of arguments is not allowed.
C++ API changes
CFramework::EnableMapByHandle now returns TResult, not void
CFramework::EnableAllMaps now returns TResult, not void
Added CFramework::TimeAndDistanceMatrix
Added CFramework::RouteAccess
Removed CFramework::ObjectsDrawn
CFramework::GetMapGraphicsContext now returns std::shared_ptr<CGraphicsContext>, not CGraphicsContext&
The CFramework functions void AddNavigatorObserver(std::weak_ptr<MNavigatorObserver> aObserver) and
RemoveNavigatorObserver(std::weak_ptr<MNavigatorObserver> aObserver) have been replaced by
AddObserver(std::weak_ptr<MFrameworkObserver> aObserver) and
RemoveObserver(std::weak_ptr<MFrameworkObserver> aObserver)
Added CFramework::GetTrafficInfoSpeed
Removed the unused parameter aLabelMaxLength from CFramework::LoadIcon
The TFont class is now safer: it stores smart pointers to the engine, typeface and alt typeface, not raw pointers
Removed unused data members iWeight, iWorks, iToll and iLanes from CTrafficInfo
Added the CTimeAndDistanceMatrix class. An object of this type is returned by CFramework::TimeAndDistanceMatrix
Added the TRouteAccess enumeration. A value of this type is returned by CFramework::RouteAccess
Added the TAbbreviationType enumeration to specify where in a phrase an abbreviation can be used
Added the CAbbreviationDictionary type mapping a string to a TAbbreviation
MString::Abbreviate now takes a CAbbreviationDictionary instead of a CStringDictionary
Added a TText constructor taking null-terminated UTF-16 text
Added the TAbbreviation and TAbbreviationTableEntry classes to support the new abbreviation system
.NET API changes
Added PointValue: a value type for 2D points with floating-point coordinates
Added the TimeAndDistanceMatrix class
Added the RouteAccess enumeration
Added Framework.GetTimeAndDistanceMatrix
Added Framework.GetRouteAccess
Removed the unused parameter aLabelMaxLength from Framework.LoadIcon
Android API changes
Added Framework.timeAndDistanceMatrix
Added Framework.routeAccess
Added the TimeAndDistanceMatrix class
Added the RouteAccess class
Renamed Geometry.IntersectionType to intersectionType for consistency,
and renamed all other Geometry public functions starting with
capital letters to start with small letters in the same way
Removed unused data members iWeight, iWorks, iToll and iLanes from TrafficInfo
iOS API changes
Added the timeAndDistanceMatrix function to CartoTypeFramework
Added the routeAccess function to CartoTypeFramework
Added the CartoTypeTimeAndDistanceMatrix class
Added the CartoTypeRouteAccess enumeration
Added the CartoTypePointSet class for use by the timeAndDistanceMatrix function
Removed unused data members weight, works, toll and lanes from CartoTypeTrafficInfo